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Mission of HypnoseMentor

July 2017 HypnoseMentor has been established as publisher in the field of books on hypnosis on the occasion of issuing on the 3rd of August the book “Hypnosis the Key to Self-Empowerment” available through Amazon.com.

Mission of HypnoseMentor

HypnoseMentor is convinced of the inner power and the tremendous potential that every human carries inside. Hypnosis is an important key to mobilize this inner power of the sub conscious mind and through this can contribute to the personal wellbeing and growth of the individual. This in itself can have a positive outcome on the personal environment and society as a whole.
HypnoseMentor sees it as her mission to contribute to personal wellbeing and growth by spreading information on hypnosis through online channels and by issuing books, next to giving training in hypnosis and hypnotherapy and personal sessions for change.