How to select a hypnosis training

Who are we?

We are HypnosisMentor and OMNI Hypnosis Training Center®, providing leading training in hypnosis and hypnotherapy in the Netherlands. From more than 40 years of experience, OMNI contributes to some of the largest scientific research in hypnosis worldwide, which allows us to constantly innovate in our techniques and approaches.

Recognition and Certification

OMNI Hypnosis Training Center is the first hypnosis training center in the world to achieve ISO 9001 certification, a sign of commitment to quality. OMNI training programs are internationally recognized and valued. In the Netherlands, we are accredited by several professional associations and we are members of the Dutch Council for Training and Education (NRTO).

Experience and Results

OMNI has more than 17,000 graduates worldwide since its founding in 1979, and have proven these methods to be effective. OMNI courses are consistently highly rated, so you can be confident that you will receive quality education and results.

Personal Counseling

Our dedicated team provides individual guidance and support to help you get the most out of your education. Many positive mental and physical changes can be achieved with hypnosis. It is easy to learn and apply.

How do you choose the course that suits you?

When choosing a hypnosis training program that suits you, there are some important factors to consider. Here are some tips to help you make your decision.

Check whether the training is based on direct hypnosis (based on the thought process of Dave Elman) or indirect hypnosis (based on the thought process of Milton Erickson). Both methods have their own advantages and the choice depends on your personal preference and the type of work you want to do. Direct hypnosis is characterized by rapid, structured techniques. Indirect hypnosis usually involves a multi-year study combining the state of hypnosis with psychotherapy and psychology.

Make sure the training is recognized by relevant agencies. This may affect your ability to work professionally after completing the course. If you plan to work with hypnosis and/or hypnotherapy professionally, it is important that the training is accredited. Check what accreditations the program has and what requirements your professional association has. You can read more about our accreditations on the course pages and through this global overview.

Make sure the training teaches you practical skills that you can immediately apply in your work. Our courses are designed to get you started right away.

Check if the training offers support after completion. This may include free online meetings, networking events, access to additional learning materials and the opportunity to participate in a relevant forum. Furthermore, it is relevant to check whether you can ask questions of the teachers after the training.
HypnosisMentor believes it is important to have support after training. We have arranged this as follows. For each course, we have set up a separate forum on our HypnosisCommunity where you can ask general questions so that each student learns from the answers. Personal questions can be asked via chat. Furthermore, we can also be reached by telephone.

Look for reviews and testimonials from previous students to get an idea of the quality of the course. Reliable reviews can often be found on independent review sites. You can find our independent reviews on this page.

A thorough theoretical foundation is crucial to understanding why certain techniques are performed in a certain way. We often see that people who have been educated elsewhere are uncertain about what they have learned, especially in the theoretical area. Make sure the course you choose teaches you not only the techniques, but also the theory behind them. Our induction methods based on the work of Dave Elman and Gerald Kein are evidence-based. Furthermore, we substantiate hypnosis from a scientific perspective.

At HypnosisMentor and OMNI Hypnosis Training Center®, we are proud to offer all of these factors to our students. Contact us to learn more about our training programs and how they can meet your needs.