Hypnosis technique Ultra Height® highly effective

Hypnosis technique Ultra Height® highly effective

Around the world, hypnotherapists are discovering the healing potential of the rapidly evolving Ultra Height hypnosis technique developed by Gerald Kein of OMNI Hypnosis Training Center®.
Ultra Height® hypnosis is a hypnotic intervention that is very easy to learn.
With Kein’s highly effective hypnosis technique, the hypnotherapist achieves rapid transformational results in an amazing variety of problems clients may come up with.
The hypnotherapist guides the client into special states of hypnosis in which the client – even without the direct intervention of the hypnotherapist – can gain special insight into the problems he or she is facing.
Some of the most serious and difficult problems clients face have been successfully treated using Ultra Height® hypnosis.
Ultra Height® hypnosis is especially attractive to learn because a hypnotherapist can successfully work on problems with this technique after only a short training, where other techniques fall short.
OMNI Hypnotherapists tell about their successes they have achieved with the following problems, among others, thanks to Ultra Height® hypnosis: – Migraines – Epileptic seizures – Cerebral Palsy (cerebral palsy) – Thyroid tumors and related conditions – Correcting heart murmurs, calcified heart valves and fatty tissue attached to the heart – Gallbladder – Blood pressure improvement – Cardiovascular disease – Liver problems – Pain relief – Cancer – Blindness – Hearing problems, including tinitus – Dyslexia – Learning problems – Allergies – Sinus problems – Weight reduction – ADD and ADHD – Diabetes mellitus – Stomach closure problems – Intestinal problems – Concussion – Improve memory – Hormonal problems – Burns
Where can this technique be learned? This unique technique can only be learned at an OMNI Hypnosis Training Center® during the seven-day hypnosis training course.
Check here for the next training opportunities. Testimonials from hypnotherapists …… What is even more amazing is in this one session we also healed a few other medical issues. I have seen her two others times, also in UH, and she severe asthma, several allergies, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, and we have cured and think of what she was told in UH, osteoporosis and thyroid problems. She comes from an hour and a half away but has scheduled her self to see me weekly for the next few months (she has a long list of problems she wants to work on.) What a gift Jerry gave us with UH. It is almost the most important vestige of my practice. My recommendation, Brian, goes with the Ultrahigh. Hopefully my story will help. Good luck all the best, Sharon Svenson My sincere thanks for the incredible work done this weekend. I have never experienced such total love and healing power. Even though I had determined that I was terminally ill with cancer and other problems, the Ultra Height work was the beginning of tapping into a power so enormous that I truly believe NOTHING is impossible. I felt a shift in my body………. and it was facilitated by the outpouring of love from Jerry and those who attended. I will always hold you in my heart and express my thanks for the miracle that took place. We can achieve fanatastic things when we are motivated by love for our clients. This is just the beginning. Miracles are available to everyone……… and we are the facilitators of those miracles. Much love and deep thanks Jerry and all……….. Kathy Wilson. I did a standard regression cause in “Ultra Height” for his need to “prove he was in control”(previous “discussions” and work had found this to be the underlying emotion for his rebellious onset of smoking). I tested to make sure I had all or at least most of the roots from that session. I then made suggestions for regenerating and repairing the damage to his heart caused by smoking, including removing the plaque and other material blocking blood flow and preventing him from breathing properly. His subconscious mind agreed to begin regenerating and repairing immediately. I composed a little more and came forward. His energy post hypnosis and the next AM were extremely better. The first night in many years he was not awake at least twice to smoke. J.The cardiac procedure would take more than 2 hours. After a little over an hour, the surgeon came out and apologetically told the family (I was there too) that the blockages were 50% or less and that the stints and angioplasty were not necessary. He went over what the tests had indicated that made them determine the procedure was necessary. Frank