Hypnosis is a fascinating phenomenon that evokes both curiosity and questions.
Often surrounded by misunderstanding, it is actually a natural state of heightened concentration and relaxation in which the mind is more receptive to suggestions.
On this page you will find a compilation of articles that explain the essence of hypnosis in a clear and accessible way.
Whether you are looking for the basic principles, scientific background or practical applications, this section offers valuable insights into the world of hypnosis and how it can positively affect your life.

Hypnosis explained
Additional Information: Deeper into the world of hypnosis
In addition to the basics of hypnosis, you can also find articles on the history, science and various applications of hypnosis on this page.
From medical hypnosis to self-hypnosis and performance enhancement, every aspect of hypnosis is explained in detail here.
Continue to discover how hypnosis can contribute to personal growth, emotional balance and creative thinking.